Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Diplomacy, but Yeah, but No, but Yeah, but...

Where's my auto-cue? What are my lines? What's this all about?

Always reliant on auto-cues, even the most high-profile speakers & commentators can mess their lines when the spotlight is on. (That's why Hippie has only ever once used a written speech - and that didn't work as well as Hippie's mind, which normally drafts the content on the hoof, and rarely relies on more than the back of an envelope for any prompts.)

Nonetheless, yesterday was a big day, and the moment touched most of us (if not you, you're one of the few sad people among us; never mind, come into Hippie's bosom, and learn how to enjoy life).

Media yesterday was filled with speculation, and today with thoughts: just what would (did) Mrs Hussie wear - adorned from a SPINE-type shopping spree, or something more sombre?

Hippie watched the moments in the manner they deserved: attentive & joyful celebration, with tears of appreciation joining the cold tears that spilled down the cold beer glass accompanying him. A hansom man, with a better physique than SPINE's neighbour, and an altogether beautiful family receiving attention from a relatively appreciative world (some circles censored, but they can't read Hippieisms either, so work to do).

What about the attire though? Where did Hussie get that scarf? Was the cut on the tux good enough, or was it off the peg? Did the shoes shine back the images of the family?

Yeah, but no, but yeah, but what about Mrs Hussie? Typically, the media's column inches today were filled with mixed reaction: ...

Hippie analysed these comments, and reached a firm conclusion: who damn cares? 

Stumbled lines on the platform are not going to fill the empty space on Hippie's desk.

Hippie's favoured fashion editor's column was of praise for Mrs Hussie's outfit (and Hippie couldn't exercise better opinion).

Sometimes, even when things aren't quite appropriate, the best advice is to gracefully smile & nod.

Hussie asked a question on the aforesaid evening. And Hippie is delighted to see such a beautiful family in that big house.

Diplomacy - a lesson Climax will hopefully share with the world.

(p.s. Hippie will expose the question only to subscribers, but Hippie's opinion on that all-important question will not be published here.)

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