Wednesday, 28 January 2009

What's to worry about?



What's it about? Don’t you hate it when it envelopes you & commandeers your every thought? Or worse, when it dominates the thoughts & actions of a loved one who is so worried they'd maybe even be short towards you?


Ridiculous really, but it can be difficult for the victim so do be considerate & compassionate towards them. They know no better. (Hippieism # 189)


If you find you're the victim of stress, the first things to do (although dependent on your tolerance & performance levels, not necessarily in this order) are to engage in some samples of good beer & good sex. (Others should help victims in this aim. Only you can decide how though.)

Now, trusting your more relaxed, grasp the realisation that stress serves no good purpose: it affects your health (and if you're not careful, it could affect your performance too... more so than alcohol – not something you need right now!), and impairs rational or clear thought. So grab a moment, clear your mind, satisfy some more sexual desires (if you have none - due to stress - others still do, so succumb & satisfy their's – it will help you too... trust Hippie), and then we'll tackle this thing head on (that's not a pun, but if you thought otherwise, you're already getting better).

Ok, did you have fun? (If not, go back to the start; don't collect £/$200; but do collect your thoughts... and a beer... and a sexual partner).

Got this far? Cool.

What's the worst that can happen to you now? You've just had good sex, and a good beer. What's still to stress about?


Debts mounting? Job not secure? Wife leaving you? Plane crashing? A space on your desk & your days missing W calendars? Don't worry; just think clearly about it all for a moment:

Debts: you're a toxic debt. Britney sung about you, so perhaps royalties are in order. If not, what can the banks really do? Tell them what you can realistically pay, and pay that. Any repayment is good for them, so don't be intimidated by threats. They were silly enough to give you money, so they're at fault too. And if they want to possess the house, tell them the wife has already claimed for it in divorce. Have sex, drink beer, watch the squabbles, and chill – after all, you were losing the house either way!


Job worries: clearly not a good job, as they should be able to manage their staff better. Show strength in adversity, and go get a better job before your colleagues realise the threats. Once there, get into management and manage staff levels better too. (Before you leave though, send your colleagues a link to this post.)

Wife leaving you: you got laid before getting to this point, so it's not all bad!

Plane crashing: we know this happens, but pilots are good at managing this issue. But perhaps their equipment is faulty as you're online while in the air. At least Hippieisms is the last thing you'll read - just after your mile high club membership enrolment. Don't forget to leave a comment though. :-) (And be happy: you'll die with your boots on.)

Calendar expired: they're building a whole museum for W, so don't worry about your desk. And if your wife's leaving you, you can put porn back on your desk now. Beer always needs space too.

Rational thought is the answer to stress. But it's not possible while stressed, so never get stressed,

Instead get laid and drunk. 

Stress: a curse for those unable to see the wood for the trees, but a blessing for those able to see bushes & barley in the forest. So says Hippieism # 72

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Diplomacy, but Yeah, but No, but Yeah, but...

Where's my auto-cue? What are my lines? What's this all about?

Always reliant on auto-cues, even the most high-profile speakers & commentators can mess their lines when the spotlight is on. (That's why Hippie has only ever once used a written speech - and that didn't work as well as Hippie's mind, which normally drafts the content on the hoof, and rarely relies on more than the back of an envelope for any prompts.)

Nonetheless, yesterday was a big day, and the moment touched most of us (if not you, you're one of the few sad people among us; never mind, come into Hippie's bosom, and learn how to enjoy life).

Media yesterday was filled with speculation, and today with thoughts: just what would (did) Mrs Hussie wear - adorned from a SPINE-type shopping spree, or something more sombre?

Hippie watched the moments in the manner they deserved: attentive & joyful celebration, with tears of appreciation joining the cold tears that spilled down the cold beer glass accompanying him. A hansom man, with a better physique than SPINE's neighbour, and an altogether beautiful family receiving attention from a relatively appreciative world (some circles censored, but they can't read Hippieisms either, so work to do).

What about the attire though? Where did Hussie get that scarf? Was the cut on the tux good enough, or was it off the peg? Did the shoes shine back the images of the family?

Yeah, but no, but yeah, but what about Mrs Hussie? Typically, the media's column inches today were filled with mixed reaction: ...

Hippie analysed these comments, and reached a firm conclusion: who damn cares? 

Stumbled lines on the platform are not going to fill the empty space on Hippie's desk.

Hippie's favoured fashion editor's column was of praise for Mrs Hussie's outfit (and Hippie couldn't exercise better opinion).

Sometimes, even when things aren't quite appropriate, the best advice is to gracefully smile & nod.

Hussie asked a question on the aforesaid evening. And Hippie is delighted to see such a beautiful family in that big house.

Diplomacy - a lesson Climax will hopefully share with the world.

(p.s. Hippie will expose the question only to subscribers, but Hippie's opinion on that all-important question will not be published here.)


Hippie woke up this morning, filled his body with hot coffee, casually perused titles of the latest additions to his several thousand unread emails, and checked the diary for deadlines that passed yesterday & now need rather urgent attention. A typical start to a typical day.

As caffeine spread through the veins, reaching those parts of the body occupied by now stale alcohol, eyelids tearing open as light stained his retina, Hippie glanced across his desk for inspiration.

Mrs Hippie's glowing image shines out from her beautiful photo, alongside which a reminder of the day stands. A once bulky block, with what appeared an infinite collection of immortal quotes, appears rather anemic.

With more coffee filling his now-stirring body, Hippie tore away yesterday's page, seeking to expose a reminder of what day today is.


Like Hippie's mind, the day too is blank. No page to jog the memory of where in the timeline Hippie is. Rather than a classic quote from W, a frame exposes a bland, empty sheet.

It's over. What once seemed like an impenetrable task - a huge calendar, with so many pages the possibilities of how those days could be filled was scary - has now been achieved. Emptiness consumed Hippie as the dawning of the day begins, and Hippie has to acknowledge that W's reign of terror & humour is no more.

A ceremony needs to be planned for this momentous occasion: the calendar that has occupied many desks & entertained so many readers that yesterday's pages were always collectables, the dull plastic frame now has to be discared (or recycled if any firms still existed to recycle).

Ah fuck it, the diary suggested a busy day yesterday, so no time to observe pomp & ceremony now. The old calendar is in the bin, and now a vacant, empty space exists on Hippie's desk. But what to fill it with....

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Bye Bye W

With W only in office for a few more minutes, as a farewell to our old friend Hippieisms presents a video of W's best bits. And his worst bits too (the bit in the middle).

We'll miss you W... about as much as we miss SPINE.

Enjoy the video.


Untitled, 20 January 2009

Friday, 16 January 2009

The search for WMDs

Just as we thought it was all over, and as Andrew Roberts observes, history will show W was right ("assumed" & "human rights"? Hippie was never good at history or English, so sadly missed the word "assumed" & the definiton of "human rights" in any presentations to the UN or the world at large. Had he known this was the basis for invading a country, perhaps he could've saved time on cold days attending marches or protests for the rights of innocent humans - Hippie assumed they weren't being considered as humans who deserved any rights) Hippieisms has uncovered a video of the search for WMDs – with a few prisoners taken along the way, the occasional one made to walk the plank too!

(That's not a barrel of oil in the opening scenes, and no alcohol in that flask either. And even if you look carefully, the boat doesn't have any signs about "mission ongoing for ever & ever & ever, or 8 years, which ever comes sooner".)


(Hippieisms & more will shortly be hosting a Facebook petition, requesting funding from the W library fund to support future posting on the legacy of W. Be sure to sign up.)

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Lean, green, useless machine

With clever scientists having worked out that computers & the Internet generally use power to function, the emphasis is now on computer users to go green!


How exciting an opportunity, and how intellect the wisdom being offered: this recent article in the UK’s Daily Telegraph (if you read the article, you’ll need to waste browsing time & electricity & trees scrolling to the end though, as they didn’t provide a link direct to the tips) provides some thoughtful ideas on being a green computer user:


·         Turn your computer off when it’s not in use. Make sure that your operating system’s energy-savings settings are correct.

·         Try to make your machine last as long as possible – if it has ground to a halt, consider reinstalling the operating system afresh, rather than buying a new machine.

·         When the time comes to buy a new computer, explore the green policies of a machine’s manufacturer. Apple, Dell and Asus claim they are leaders in this field.

·         The bulk of your computer’s energy use is dictated by your power supplier, and many electricity and gas companies offer tariffs that use renewable sources.

·         If you have a website, remember that every uncompressed picture and every badly written bit of code has a direct impact on the environment and on the time it takes a site to load. If your site is speedy, it will usually help its search rankings, too.

·         When disposing of unwanted electronic equipment, remember that recycling it intact, for other people to use, is usually much better for the environment that dismantling it.



Let’s take a moment to consider this advice:


·         turn your computer off – how clever! Except for... (see below);


·         try to make your machine last as long as possible – genius stuff, but no advice on how to run Vista, or even Linux  on my top of the range ZX Spectrum+ 128Kb , so no help there;


·         explore green policies – i.e. listen to any advertising claims from trendy manufacturers that know the mood of the public, and only buy from them (some computers use electricity, some manufacturers use waffle & clever advertising – but still need electricity to work);


·         your computer’s energy use is dictated by its power supply (did you really think your keyboards & mouse were kinetic?) – look at your supplier, and use the one you can afford and that meets your needs;


·         remember, large downloads use more computer processing – and they cost more in host-server fees, so you probably use them because you value the visual impact, but think about whether a small, grainy image would be helpful (is the picture of an ugly person? Save your viewers and the planet...);


·         dispose of unwanted equipment by recycling – so criminals can recycle your banking information!



Hippie runs what he supposes is a relatively powerful desktop. Taking a glance at the taskbar at the bottom, Hippie had 11 icons – or programs – running at the moment this was prepared (and a laptop running alongside too. And two cell phones. Oops! Bad Hippie). To be green, Hippie could’ve saved this post; closed Word; opened a browser; found & copied a hyperlink; closed the browser; opened Word; pasted the link; and continued this exercise repeatedly. (Or perhaps used fewer words. Or not posted at all.) And sing to himself instead of running a music program while he was working. And close all those other programs he might need to switch to the moment the phone rings.  And does Hippie really need 16 tabs open in his main browser? His screen (only one, as Mrs Hippie said he didn’t need a second monitor) can only display a few at a time, so perhaps Hippie should close the rest, and use History to open them when needed again (using Google isn’t green).


And perhaps Hippie could close all those hidden programs, running in the background  too... like Skype – Hippie can always phone back, hoping the caller is only on Skype, but waiting patiently for a call at the precise moment he tries to call. Or the anti-virus program, hoping nothing nasty tries to access the computer while online.



Hippie doesn’t know what’s most genius about this study & advice list: recycling our secure information; keeping old computers to corrode in a dark corner of the house; the idea that Hippie should jump up and run over to the bookcase, browse a dictionary or encyclopaedia (he’d maybe eat more, given all the energy he’d burn jumping up & down) to check a simple fact; or turning off the computer when not in use?


Hippie supposes the genius advice is to turn off the computer when not using it – so obvious really, it probably escaped most of us.


However, Hippie demands a lot from his computer, and with the advent of multi-tasking (his Spectrum requires a cassette player, and about 20 minutes, to run a program, but only one program can run at a time, so no option about shutting programs down), power is used.


Hippie could go into Control Panel\System and Maintenance\Power Options, and change the power plan. This would make browsing a dictionary or encyclopaedia quicker too. But then, Hippie bought a powerful computer to use, not to preserve & recycle.


Hippie could turn his computer off when not in use. But then, it’s always in use: given all the applications running during the day (and music is played virtually 24 hours, with the TV program normally running too – it records the shows, but needs to keep checking the schedule to know when to record) Hippie doesn’t want slow performance by having malware or back-up programs running while he’s working. Therefore, they run at night, when slow performance won’t bother him. And then he might need to log in to his computer when away from the office, so needs remote access – not yet possible when the computer’s turned off!


Of course, the other possible outcome of trying to run too much when the computer’s limited power can’t cope is the “blue screen of death”. Will only require the system to restart, and have all drives checked for presence & performance...


The simple answer to all this: buy a computer only with power for what you need (or buy a second hand computer, and blackmail the previous owner with their browsing history); plant a tree; make your computer green, and ensure you never again see the blue screen of death (particularly for Mother Hippie, although it will probably need two computers, due to remote access):


open Notepad;

scroll to the Windows folder – somewhere like “C:\Windows”;

find a file called “system.ini” (you might find this easier if you have file extensions enabled, but do think about how much energy dispalying those four extra characters will require);

you should find something like:










in the space above “[drivers]”, (paying attention to spacing, capitalisation, and spelling) enter two new lines (copy & paste uses trees to support the clipboard):





save your modifications to the system, and approve any checks MS decided to waste trees on to ask you about your changes.



Now, if your green credentials cause your computer to crash with a major system failure, you won’t get a blue screen of death – it too will be green (the 2 above) And if you’re color-blind, you probably won’t realise you missed a flash of text – no-one gets the chance to read it anyway, so you won’t be frustrated that it was displayed in red (the 4 above) text!


If you do see this screen so often you manage to read some text on it, give up on being green; change your settings back to full performance (Control Panel\System and Maintenance\Power Options); plant another tree; and try not to pass wind – at least not while you’re having sex, as that is most uncouth, and is bad for your home environment!






p.s. Hippie only viewed 9 tabs (now blogger too, so make that 10) in his browser while preparing this post, so Hippie guesses he owes the world a leaf or two.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

W's Economic Team at work

As W prepares to do a Mork, and depart the egg, Hippieisms celebrate his legacy with a recent video of his economic team at work.

Saturday, 3 January 2009

What did Ben know? (Only Hippieism #11!)

Hippie has to plead some ignorance straight away: Hippie knows little of, or about, the man Benjamin Franklin.


And much of what Hippie does know of Benjamin is the subject of debate: was it really Ben that coined that phrase that graces our beer mugs & birthday cards?


Hippie can understand the doubt: would such an alleged founding father of the United States of America coin such an intelligent phrase, and still hold a responsibility for a democracy that led to W?


You can research all you care (and the Internet has (breeds) all sorts of theories these days), but while there is no firm evidence to substantiate the claim, there is (or at least was) equally little evidence to challenge it...


... that is, until you allow for the wisdom of another:


... words were shared across the global exchanges of the Internet recently that give confirmation that whomever first formed those fateful words (even the form of words is open to debate, so Hippie will paraphrase): “Beer: God loves us” knew what they were talking about.


I speak not of Ben, as the Internet was a little beyond his time. But perhaps one Ms Read first scribed these words that bless many a man’s mornings today, and certainly offer them an excuse for any behaviour of the previous night (and performance the morning after insert ad links to Canadian drug stores here).



The fateful words “I told him I think we need to give him beer tonight” were recently sent by email.


Given such words were on the account of a fair maiden, who is Hippie to question the qualifications of Ms Read to have first coined Hippieism #11? Hippie can lay no claim to it but Hippie does approve of women, and their existence (coupled with beer & Canadian drug stores) is proof God loves us (and with the help of Canada will be firm tomorrow too - Hippie means the love of God, but you think what you want).





p.s. Happy Birthday to the finest Maiden of them all: Mrs Hippie has reached the fair age of 30 today. Hippie will be enjoying God’s gift to the world in celebration. (Hippie means Mrs Hippie... but beer too... and perhaps Canada’s drug supplies... and dinner... real dinner... and then Mrs Hippie.... or maybe Mrs Hippie during dinner... but a lot of courses, so maybe before dinner... and after dinner... thanks to Canada... )

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Get to know Hippie

Hippie was sent one of those chain things earlier this year: this & that about Christmas. Always mean to surprise by responding, so (albeit very late) here goes:

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? None – Hippie is green... or really lazy, but uses the green excuse.

2. Real tree or artificial?  Ditto.

3. When do you put up the tree? What tree?

4. When do you take the tree down?  Ditto.

5. Do you like eggnog?  If it comes in a Hoegaarden bottle, tastes like Hoegaarden, and is Hoegaarden, yes.


6. Favorite gift received as a child?  Bottle opener with bottle cap attached – my father had clever gift ideas: you give three kids bottle openers, and you’d always find a bottle opener around the house. When done with the kid, you could put a cap on your beer, and then always find beer around the house too. What a novelty for a child; what a brainwave for a drunk.

7. Hardest person to buy for?   Everyone – which is why I tend not to buy gifts.

8. Easiest person to buy for?  Me – cases of Hoegaarden.

9. Do you have a nativity scene?  I could answer this in many ways, but I think a simple “no” would be best!

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Cards are awful, so use the green argument, and don’t bother – phone people you care about, and don’t pretend to care about others.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?  A bottle opener – was ahead of its time.

12. Favorite Christmas movie?  This sentence is faulty: “Christmas” & “movie” does not work well, let alone with “favourite”.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Boxing Day or pay day.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?  No – I’d be too embarrassed to give the stuff I’ve received.


15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?  Hoegaarden. And Mrs Hippie.


16. Lights on the tree? If there was a tree, plain white – very German tradition, but very nice (sounds dull, but trust me).

17. Favorite Christmas song?  See # 12.

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel – all the way to the pub.

19. Can you name all Santa's reindeer? Who’s Santa?

20. Angel on the tree top or Star?   A simple light.

21. Open presents Christmas Eve or morning?  With bottle openers, I don’t get too excited about opening gifts.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year?  Amateur drunks.

23. Favorite ornament?  See # 12 – ornaments are tacky.

24. Favorite Christmas dinner?  Anything that involves good company, such as Mrs Hippie.

25. What do you want for Christmas this year?  See # 24 above.

26. Who is the most likely to respond to this?  No one in their right mind – perhaps amateur drunks.

27. Who is least likely to respond?  Who cares?