Monday, 9 May 2011

Oops, wrong blog/twig

Hippie had fajitas for dinner.

Just to let you all know, because twits really care about these things.

As Hippie can post twigs, Hippie can even tell you Hippie had green peppers, tomatoes [decide how you want to pronounce that, the spelling remains the same], baby lettuce, a few cheeses, oh, and lots of other good stuff - including a huge pile of chicken slices prepared in various ways, salsa, sour cream... and there was more on the table, but Hippie can't remember everything.

Oh, hold on, Hippie should have run out of room by now. (No, not due to the food - there was a lot of it though) - but the characters: isn't Hippie meant to tell you about dinner in less than 140 milliseconds, as you'll get bored after that?

Ok, dinner was good.


p.s. follow Hippie @hippiewhatthehellisthisthingaboutthatIcan'tevenhavethisusernamewithoutusingupallmycharacters#hippieisms?andpeopleusethis?!? Ok, “Dinner was fab”. Oops, said too much, I’ve said enough...

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